

COVID-19 has changed today’s work environment, as California tries to keep people safe, businesses are suffering, and wealth is beginning to shift.  Whether you need any job for income right now, or you're planning your first big career move, you have to have an understanding of the skills that will best position you for success. With the help of a career coach, you can create an actionable roadmap toward finding the job of your dreams and gain confidence in the process.  United And Guided career coaches can help you manage your job search by helping you:

* build your resume

* identify your strengths

* connect with potential employers

* network to potential employers

If your are looking for a job, looking for job training, or are serious about paving your career path, United And Guided provides FREE job coaching for registered community residents.  To register, complete the survey and application.  One of our Community Job Coaches will connect with you shortly after registration.

Register Now


Conflict Mediation is often used as a means of avoiding costly litigation in situations such as divorce, disagreements between neighbors and commercial and labor disputes. United And Guided mediators act as  a neutral party who facilitates a conversation between the two sides, highlighting interests and concerns and helping the conflicting parties move on and negotiate solutions that are satisfactory for both sides. 

UAG Community Mediators are not judges, prosecutors, or any other type of law enforcement.  We are a group of dedicated community members committed to improving our community by providing FREE facilitation for community residents. If there is an individual or organization with whom you would like to arrange a mediation, the other party must be a willing participant.  We can help initiate the conversation with the other party and encourage them to attend a mediation.

Our volunteers are the backbone of our organization and we could not provide our services without their dedication and service. If you would like to become one of our volunteer Community Mediators or Restorative Justice Facilitators, you must complete one or both of the respective training programs. All trainings are free, click below to complete and application and you will be contacted to participate in the next training cycle.

Book A Mediation
Volunteer Application


Restorative Justice is a concept that was made popular in the 1970s as an effort to correct some of the weaknesses of the western legal system while building on its strengths. Restorative Justice is looked at as an alternative to traditional legal justice, which is focused largely on how to punish offender after committing a crime. Recognizing that punishment is often ineffective, restorative justice aims at helping offenders to recognize the harm they have caused and encouraging them to repair the harm, to the extent it is possible. Rather than obsessing about whether offenders get what they deserve, restorative justice focuses on repairing the harm of crime and engaging individuals and community members in the process.

Restorative Justice Conferences and other Practices provide means for addressing harm created. Our Restorative Justice processes and Practices:

* Are voluntary.

* Promote involvement of all affected parties.

* Ensure psychological and physical safety for all parties.

* Identify active steps to address harms and meet related needs.

* Provide for maximum exchange of information between parties.

* Are collaborative and inclusive.

* Yield outcomes that promote accountability, responsibility, reparation, support, reintegration, and healing for all.

* Yield outcomes that are mutually agreed upon, rather than imposed.

* Allow for innovation and ensure continuous improvement and quality control.

* Promote personal and relational transformation, empowerment, and lifelong learning and growth.

* Celebrate our ability to make a difference in our community through inclusiveness, accessibility, and diversity.

Our volunteers are the backbone of our organization and we could not provide our services without their dedication and service. If you would like to become one of our volunteer Community Mediators or Restorative Justice Facilitators, you must complete one or both of the respective training programs. All trainings are free, click below to complete and application and you will be contacted to participate in the next training cycle.

Book A Facilitation
Volunteer Application


Peer workers and peer recovery support services have become increasingly central to people’s ability to live with or recover from mental and/or substance use disorders. United And Guided Conflict Mediators also play a growing role in helping people find recovery. Both mental health consumers and people in recovery from substance use disorders have recognized the need for core competencies, that include core foundational principles identified by members of the mental health consumer and substance use disorder recovery communities. These are:

  • Recovery-oriented: encourage hope to those we serve, partnering with clients to envision and achieve a meaningful and purposeful life. Help clients identify and build on strengths and empower them to choose for themselves, recognizing that there are several pathways to recovery.
  • Person-centered: should always be directed by the client(s). Peer recovery support is personalized to align with the specific hopes, goals, and preferences of the people served and to respond to specific needs the people have identified.
  • Relationship-focused: The relationship between the peer worker and the client is the foundation on which peer recovery support services and support are provided. The relationship between the peer worker and client is respectful, trusting, empathetic, collaborative, and mutual.
  • Trauma-informed: utilizes a strength-based framework that emphasizes physical, psychological, and emotional safety and creates opportunities for clients to rebuild a sense of control and empowerment.


Are you a member of an organization that advocates for social justice, violence prevention, mental health, equitable education, and/or fair criminal justice practices?  No single organization has the ability to solve any major social problem by itself, and quite often, community-based organizations, government, health care systems, and education institutions have attempted to address major social issues in their own controlled silos.  Approaching large social issues this way disables success at reaching marginalized residents whose suffering is immensely multi-faceted.  Since 2011, several organizations across America have adopted a Collective Impact approach to collaboration across business sectors.  In Sacramento, organizations representing law enforcement, public education, corrections, health care systems, and the community have come together to use a Collective Impact approach to reduce violence in the Capital City. 

Collective Impact is structured form of collaboration that encourages authentic partnerships, helps multi-sector organizations develop sustainable and measurable strategies to address large social issues.  The structural components of a successful Collective Impact initiative include:  a common agenda, shared measurement systems, mutually reinforcing activities, continuous communication, and backbone support organization(s).  United And Guided provides "backbone support" services that help multi-sector unions of organizations achieve measurable and sustainable effects to address a major social issue such as Violence Prevention, Marginalized Community Development, Mental Health, and Social Injustice.  Backbone Support includes, but is not limited to: 

* Facilitating sessions for partners to share a vision of change and a commitment to solve a social issue. United And Guided helps the group develop a shared vision, mission, and values statements.

* Working with subcontracted evaluators and partners to develop a common agenda for sustainable success.  United And Guided facilitates meetings to help partners determine the most important results needed for success at their respective organizations, and agree on a common set of measures from which the partners will reference as high-level goals when developing collaborative strategy and funding proposals.

* Building public will and making sure that the initiative stays focused and moves forward. United And Guided encourages partners to build a culture that encourages information sharing and candor, and doesn’t shy away from having courageous conversations in order to resolve conflicts among partners so that trusted relationships emerge throughout the entire collaboration. 

* Playing the administrative lead convening meetings, coordinating data collection, connecting participants with each other, and facilitating the activities of the initiative, and the relationships, so partners can get past personal barriers, and remain efficient and productive. 

* Facilitating grant proposal development and fundraising strategies to support and sustain the common agenda for the collective impact initiative.

* Help partners organize and facilitate the collaborative activities of the initiative.  These activities are described as "mutually reinforcing" because they are designed to remind all participants that they depend on each other to move the initiative forward. United And Guided makes sure the mutually reinforcing activities align with the shared measurement system of the initiative, and the specific goals of the participating partners.  

* Provide an consistent and sustainable form of communication and information-sharing to ensure that all partners remain abreast of current trends that pertain to the initiative.  A successful collective impact initiative depends on all the partners to stays well-informed, and well-motivated to act on opportunities passionately, and consistently.   


The founders of United And Guided and its partners are a group of concerned parents and youth advocates who are committed to cultivating hope, confidence, and positive change in our most distressed communities.  We will always and forever encourage our community members and supporters to join us as a volunteer for any or all of our scheduled outreach events, some of which include:

* Mobile job/tutoring Centers

* Health fairs and food distribution events

* Clean-Up of homeless camps

* Post-Protest clean up events

* Social justice protest/water distribution

* Virtual outreach events/social discussion

* Mental health peer support

To become a volunteer, click the button below, or contact us at admin@unitedandguided.org